[Cazenovia, New York] – NCODA, a non-profit organization whose Mission is to empower the medically-integrated oncology team to deliver positive, patient-centered outcomes is proud to announce the formation of its International Executive Council (IEC). The IEC will provide insight and leadership to NCODA regarding meeting the ever-changing needs of oncology patients and healthcare professionals around the world.
NCODA is a leading non-profit organization (NY, USA) dedicated to improving the quality of cancer care and promoting the highest standards in the field of oncology practice.
The formation of the IEC is a significant step in NCODA’s Mission to improve cancer care on a global scale. The council includes leaders from diverse regions of the world. These leaders will share their unique perspectives and collaborate on global initiatives.
“The IEC will provide a forum for international collaboration and knowledge sharing, enabling us to learn from each other and work together to improve the care of cancer patients worldwide,” said Michael Reff, RPh, MBA, Founder and Executive Director of NCODA.
The IEC is Chaired by Dr. Marko Skelin, MPharm, PhD, Deputy Director of General Hospital Sibenik in Zagreb, Croatia. Dr. Skelin, along with NCODA executive leadership, will oversee the council’s activities, including the development of global educational resources, the promotion of best practices, and the implementation of global initiatives to improve cancer care. “Global collaboration in cancer care is crucial to decrease inequities in cancer care between different countries in order to improve the outcomes that are truly important to our patients, such as survival and quality of life,” said Skelin, MPharm, PhD.
The launch of the IEC marks a significant milestone in NCODA’s commitment to advancing the practice of oncology pharmacy and improving cancer care worldwide.
International Executive Council members include:

Marko Skelin, MPharm, PhD (Chair)
Deputy Director
General Hospital Sibenik

Shreya Badhrinarayanan, MD, FRSPH
Medical Director of Clinical Development Oncology Genentech (Roche)

Khalid El Bairi, MD
Cancer Biomarkers Working Group

Steven Bloom, BPharm
Chief Business Officer

Natasha Khrystolubova, RPh, BCOP
Director of Pharmacy Clinical Services
Rx To Go | Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute

Christine Lariviere, BPharm
Pharmacist / Co-Owner
Lariviere et Massicotte Pharmacies, Inc.

Victor Lisboa, MD

Kashyap Patel, MD
Chief Executive Officer
Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates

George Patrinos, PhD
University of Patras School of Health Sciences

Elzbieta Senkus-Konefka, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Medical University of Gdańsk

Shinya Suzuki, MS, PhD, JOP
Chief Pharmacist
National Cancer Center Hospital East

Martin Whalen, MBA
General Manager, Vice President of EU Cluster Markets
Bristol Myers Squibb
View the release in the following languages: Arabic, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish.
Download bio information for each International Executive Council member HERE.
About NCODA:
NCODA is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to empowering medically integrated oncology practices to deliver positive, patient-centered outcomes by providing leadership, expertise, quality standards, and best practices. For more information about NCODA visit NCODA.org or follow @NCODA on LinkedIn.
Media Contact:
Katie Edmiston
Significant move forward in giving NCODA a world-wide voice.